Shillman Fellow Daniel Greenfield's new Freedom Center pamphlet "Barack Obama's Unholy Alliance: A Romance with Islamism." Greenfield's pamphlet is a work of deep scholarship and legitimate outrage. It exhaustively explores Barack Obama's relationship with Islam -- his cerebral relationship as well as his policy initiatives in the Muslim world. Moreover, Greenfield tracks how Obama's soft spot for Islam has disastrously affected America's ability to defend itself from an enemy -- radical Islam -- that seeks to destroy us.
Barack Obama's Unholy Alliance: A Romance With Islamism
Toward the end of September 2012, Barack Obama finally came to New York City after skipping it during the 9/11 anniversary. He had made it out to the city the previous week for a celebrity fundraiser and an appearance on Letterman and then back again for a taping of The View while turning down a meeting with Netanyahu who did not have a talk show or an envelope filled with money.
The next day, while at least one of the Americans killed in Benghazi had yet to be buried, he declared at the UN General Assembly, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”
That statement also encompassed the agenda of the Benghazi killers, the terrorists who would attack Charlie Hebdo and the “Draw the Prophet” contest in Texas along with all the murderous censors of Mohammed determined that the future should not belong to those who slander their holy warlord.
It was Obama’s only mention of “Islam” in a speech addressing the brutal murder of four Americans by Islamic terrorists in a terror campaign targeting American diplomatic facilities on the anniversary of the original 9/11 attacks in Benghazi. The 9/11 attacks, like so many others, had begun with a cry of “Allahu Akbar.”
When the killing in Benghazi was done, the Jihadists left behind the slogan “Allahu Akbar” or “Allah is Greater” scrawled on the walls of the American compound. These were the same words that Obama had recited “with a first-rate accent” for the New York Times’ Nicholas Kristof. Obama had called it “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth.” On that too, the murderers of four Americans agreed with him.
Find Barack Obama's Unholy Alliance: A Romance With Islamism at the Freedom Center Bookstore
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